So the weekend is finally upon us and the three of us — Lisa, Thomas, and Paul — are heading for Pittsfield just south of the Mt. Greylock Summit tomorrow. Regular drop-in member Rana will be driving us out there in the morning and we’ll spend the afternoon previewing the first 3.5 miles of the course, napping, and getting a good feed.

Paul doesn’t arrive in town until late Friday night after being on the road for work all day. He will drive us all up to the top of Greylock the next morning for a 6am start in the dark.

Vaughne is acting as our Guardian Angel for the weekend and we will be checking in with her at predetermined times for safety’s sake, but the best way to follow our adventure will be via Twitter user @CFNeverDoubt or on the right of the blog, see the twitter feed there?

I’m sure our cell coverage isn’t going to be great at all times though so expect the updates to be a bit “bursty” throughout the weekend.

Here, by the way, is a description of the first couple miles of the course and the reason it would be good to preview it.