Friday 9.14.18

Friday 9.14.18

Fitness and Rx A. Gymnastic skill/strength work Teams of 2 AMRAP 8 20 Chest to bar pull ups 20 Ring dips If you do not have chest to bar pull ups, you can do pull ups. If no pull ups do barbell pull ups OR banded strict pull ups. Sub in banded ring dips for ring dips...
Thursday 9.13.18

Thursday 9.13.18

Fitness A. Front Squat – 5×5, building as you see fit B. EMOM 16 1st minute: 10 Wall Balls + 20 toe taps 2nd minute: 3 power cleans Rx A. Front Squat (5@65, 5@70% 5@75%, 5@80%, 5@85%) B. 10 RFT 10 Wall balls (20, 14) 3 Power Cleans (165, 115) Rx+ A. EMOM 12...

Partner Workout Wednesday

CFND – Cardio FitMetcon (Time)Partner 75 Air squats 75 DB push press 75 sit-ups 75 Wall balls 75 Mt climbers 75 Med ball Russian twists 75 lateral lunges 75 KB swings 75 DB thrusters 400m run with your...
Wednesday 9.12.18

Wednesday 9.12.18

Fitness A. Seated Barbell Strict Press 6-5-4-3-3-3 Sit on a box with feet flat and perform the number of listed strict press, building each round if you can. B. 3 RFT 21 Russian KBs (53, 35) 12 Goblet Squats (53, 35) 200m run Rx A. Strict Press+Push Press+Push Jerk 5...
Tuesday 9.11.18

Tuesday 9.11.18

Fitness and Rx A. As a warmup/skill work, in teams of two (alternate full rounds of movement AMRAP 8 Row 100m 7 wall balls 10 hollow rocks B. For time 1000m row 20 deadlifts (185, 135) 750m row 15 Handstand push ups 500m row 15 deadlfits (225, 155) Fitness: deadlifts...