Never Doubt – CrossFit


3 rounds

200m run

Barbell Warm Up


You can go heavier than you will use for part B OR use this to figure out weight that would make the most sense for B

A. EMOM 3: 6 Deadlifts

B. EMOM 3: 3 Hang Power Cleans

C. EMOM 3: 2 Shoulder to Overhead


Hang Power Clean

Push Jerk (from the floor)


D. Every 5:00 x5 sets

1 Round of DT (12 Deadlifts, 9 hang power cleans, 6 STO), 200m run

*115/85; Rx+155/1105

Metcon (5 Rounds for time)

Push your pace. Target is unbroken sets so choose weight accordingly

Cash Out

800m class easy run