Priorities vs Values

Priorities vs Values

A question someone asked me recently was: “Marc, what do you value?” I thought of the big ones – my wife, kids, faith, health, longevity, being a good friend, being a supportive boss, provide leadership, encouraging….the list seemed to keep...
Passing Down

Passing Down

On January 10, 2008 I stood in a delivery room at 5am after my rockstar wife was pushing for two hours, holding our firstborn. I was overwhelmed on many levels: we created a new human being, we would be a part of shaping this young man’s life…I had no idea...

Banded Pull Ups

Banded Pull Ups………….We have been talking a lot in the coaches meetings about bodyweight movements (ie pull ups, push ups) and proper development of the movements. The pull up (strict) is a brutally hard movement (that’s not rocket science...


Never Doubt – Cardio FitMetcon (Time)cash in : 50 wall ballsBoat Race (3 Rounds for time)3 Rounds 500m row 400m run Rest 3min between rounds