Numbers mean a lot to us in the gym. Often times it’s how we assess progress: we got a faster time, we lost weight, we lifted more weight, we could do more reps. It definitely is important to assess and re-assess so that we can make sure a program is working or we are doing what we need to do see progress. And trust me, I love those numbers.
But there seem to be numbers that we don’t talk about nearly as much: blood pressure, heart rate, lipid panels, glucose readings. I’m pretty sure I haven’t heard someone say, “I PR’ed my blood pressure! I haven’t hit 120/80 since I was 19!” And yet these numbers are life for us.
We all have our reasons for joining a gym or “trying to get on track” with eating, gaining more energy, exercising consistently. But as I read those (and hear you talk) the underlying goal in all of the exercise and eating right and gaining more energy and sleeping better is longevity – that over the course of life we can be well.
In order to be well we must know and understand the numbers – the health markers. And we need to track them as diligently as we do our back squat and macros.
I would love to hear your success stories in the comments!
Ok I’ll bite. Glucose is a level I track and it’s been steady (high normal) since I started crossfit. I feel that type 2 is no longer something I will get in the near future or maybe at all. Nutrition is a huge part of this and of course we are lucky that CFND has the best dietician in the world (he he). Also mental health…stress and anxiety and winter blues…definitely were high for me last winter. This winter has been really great and again CFND and consistent exercise/healthy nutrition are a huge part of that.
Yeah!! Great stuff Liz!