Rearranging Focus

Rearranging Focus

Wrote this back in July and never posted it…I could change some of the details but the overarching theme is still quite relevant. Let’s stop moping around, complaining, basing perceptions on other people or whatever it is for you…and let’s...
Bases Built on Sand

Bases Built on Sand

Being in physical therapy for the last 9 weeks continues to pound into my head the need for quality over quantity. I think we often times think that more is better. If I do more cardio I’ll get in better shape. If I lift more I’ll get stronger. If I stink...
The Masses

The Masses

Sometimes I sit down to write a Tuesday Tinkering and……………..silence. My head just isn’t processing. Or it’s processing about everything except what I want it to process. I will go back to a few notes or ideas I’ve...
Trust Me on That

Trust Me on That

This past weekend we had one of our teen athletes, Sam, compete with some of the best in North America out in Michigan (for those keeping track he finished FIFTH…so proud to have been a small part of this journey to this point…but I blew up instagram and...
Fake it until you…

Fake it until you…

“…make it.” You all know that phrase. I usually hear it as people are talking about their work lives and how they somehow got hired for a job they weren’t qualified for. I mean, that’s what I did in my first job as a sports/news...


That’s a pic from 6 years ago to the day…you know when I was doing competitions with my wife. I was talking to a member this week and there was a frustration in one of the pieces of the day’s workout with the weight they were lifting. “Before...