Never Doubt – CrossFit


1 rounds

Roving plank x5/5

Updowns x10

Shoulder taps x20


3 rounds

IYT x5

Plank Push Ups x3

External Banded Shoulder Rotation x5/5 (use yoga block attached to inside of elbow and rib cage while performing)


A. Strict Press: 5-4-3-3-3

B. 2 rounds: 12 DB snatch (50/35), 8 Toes to bar

Rest 2:00 x3

Shoulder Press


Metcon (3 Rounds for time)

B. 2 rounds for time: 12 DB snatch (50/35), 8 Toes to bar

Rest 2:00 x3 sets

Banded Work

C. Three sets of: 20 Banded Bicep Curls 20 Band Pull Aparts 20 Hollow Rocks