On January 10, 2008 I stood in a delivery room at 5am after my rockstar wife was pushing for two hours, holding our firstborn. I was overwhelmed on many levels: we created a new human being, we would be a part of shaping this young man’s life…I had no idea what I was doing or how I would be part of shaping someone’s life.
Fifteen years later and I get the opportunity to continue to share a birthday with what is becoming a young man. I get the opportunity to reflect on what level and to what affect I have been part of his shaping process. But the bigger question I ask myself is what kind of a person am I? How do I live that will, in turn (and in part only), impact how he lives merely by him watching me? What behaviors, attitudes, beliefs am I passing down simply by living my own life?
If you have kids you know they watch you (think of that time your child does something and you say, “Whoa….that is totally me” – for better or worse). Sure we screw it up but we also can do it very well. There is a lot in life that we can’t control. But we can control what we prioritize – and our kids, partner, parents – can eavesdrop on that by watching us.
What are you prioritizing in your life? Do you keep saying:
“I should lose weight.”
“I should eat better.”
“I should exercise.”
“I should…..”
We all get the chance not to should all over the place but to actually do.
And people in our lives are watching.