Never Doubt – CrossFit



8 cal row

8/8 Heel taps with band around foot

8 inchworm NO push up

8/8 Banded glute bridge with band abduction


A. 6×3 (reset every rep, no touch and go), rest 2:30 between sets

Trap Bar OR Sumo Deadlift

*I would choose the trap bar today but also realize we only have 2 (the black one is 65# and the silver one is 45# with a max of 500# on that bar). However, with the rest that we have in between each set we can certainly have 4 or so people on one bar)

Trap Bar Deadlift

Sumo Deadlift


Metcon (Time)

B. For time

60 Wall Balls

30/24 cal bike

30 Wall Balls

20/17 cal bike

15 Wall Balls

10/8 cal bike

Cash Out

Banded Heel Taps 3×15/15