Warmup with 4-5 sets then
4 challenging sets
A1. DB Push Press x3
A2. DB Gorilla Rows x3
B. AMRAP 3 x4, rest 1:00 between:
20 Russian KBs (70/53)
12 Pistols/single leg squat to box (6/leg)
8/6 Handstand Push Ups
15/11 cal bike
*Pick up where you left off
At Home
A. 4 challenging sets
Overhead Press x3-6 ->home gym machine or a heavy backpack if home
B. 4 Challenging row variation x3-6 ->lat pull down, row pulls, banded row
C. AMRAP 3 x4, rest 1:00 between
20 Russian KBs
12 single leg squats to a box or chair
8 push ups
30 mountain climbers