Never Doubt – CrossFit


Hip opener x2:00/side (ex: banded hip distraction, 90 90 work, pigeon, etc)

3 rounds

Elbow Shoot Throughs x10

5 Clean Deadllifts

5 Muscle Cleans

5 Front Squats

3 Hang Cleans


A. 5 sets: 2x(Clean Lift off+Clean Pull+Clean)

*you will do 1 clean lift off + I clean pull + 1 clean then repeat that whole sequence. That will be 1 set

Clean lift off+clean pull+clean


Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)

B. Teams of 2:

In 2:30: 20 Hang Power Cleans (135/95), 20 Bar facing burpees

In remaining time AMRAP Sandbag over shoulder

Rest 2:30 x3 sets

*can run 2 heats so that we can have enough sandbags (one group works in first 2:30, 2nd group works in 2nd 2:30)

Banded Work

100 banded face pulls