A. Seated Barbell Strict Press 6-5-4-3-3-3
Sit on a box with feet flat and perform the number of listed strict press, building each round if you can.
B. 3 RFT
21 Russian KBs (53, 35)
12 Goblet Squats (53, 35)
200m run
A. Strict Press+Push Press+Push Jerk
5 sets: 3 (strict press)+5 (push press)+7 (push jerk), add each round
You will take the bar from the rack. Once it is on your shoulders you will perform: 3 strict press right into 5 push press right into 7 push jerks. That will complete one set. Give plenty of recovery time between sets.
B. 3 RFT
21 Russian KBs (70, 53)
15 goblet squats (70, 53)
200m run
A. Strict Press+Push Press+Push Jerk
5 sets: 3 (strict press)+5 (push press)+7 (push jerk), add each round
You will take the bar from the rack. Once it is on your shoulders you will perform: 3 strict press right into 5 push press right into 7 push jerks. That will complete one set. Give plenty of recovery time between sets.
B. 3 sets
Dual DB OH walking lunges x20 steps ->you choose weight
rest 1:00
20 hip taps in HS position
rest 2:00
C. 3 RFT
15 Russian KBs (88, 70)
15 goblet squats
15 toes to bar